Our Beginnings


Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look afterorphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Give Hope to Honduras was founded by Jamie Allebach, in 2003. Here is a brief account of how the ministry began and where we are today:

In April of 2003 my perspective on life was radically changed. I traveled the countryside of Honduras, seeing first-hand the extreme conditions; families living in shacks with dirt floors and no running water, poverty, hunger, disease, sickness, desperation, violence, and hopelessness. My eyes were opened to a simple fact; the majority of people in the world do not live the way I had lived my entire life, in a small rural town in Pennsylvania.

I was moved to the core of my being. I felt overwhelmingly blessed to have what I have, but more importantly, I felt compelled—and obligated to do what I could do to make a difference, here in Honduras.
I couldn’t go back to life as I knew it. I was forever changed and determined to do what I could do. Even if it was just something little, I knew I had to do something.

I developed a relationship with a Christian man who was, at that time, working with children and youth in a soccer outreach program. We began by expanding the soccer program, and then started new programs designed to change the lives of families in the local community.

We purchased a small plot of land and we began building a facility, which would serve as a church, a youth center, and vocational training center. We also have medical clinics at the facility. It took us 4 years to complete the facility, but it is now up-and-running and serving the community.

I am excited about what the future holds for Give Hope to Honduras. God continues to bless and prosper His work through us.

Please consider visiting Honduras with us or supporting this ministry in some capacity.

Making a difference,

Jamie Allebach

Today, we have 4 primary areas of ministry:

Additional outreach ministries include:

Medical and
Dental Clinics
Street teams that
work with the
gangs and prostitutes
programs in the
local schools
Soccer leagues
and tournaments
Music teams